JSM monitors it`s carbon footprint which enables a benchmark for continual improvement and seeks to mitigate the effects as defined within the Business`s One Planet Action Plan.
JSM recognise its obligation to operate sustainably in order for future generations to prosper. Further, JSM encourages its supply chain(s) to abide by its ethical code of conduct and to deliver goods and services in a sustainable manner, considering environmental impacts of their business activities.
Corporate Social Responsibility
JSM recognises that positive Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) embraces all aspects of sustainable development which includes the impact on society. The Organisation is dedicated to supporting our local communities and will proactively identify opportunities for JSM to engage with local people while providing charitable work. As an Organisation, JSM takes part in numerous charitable events throughout the year which help raise money for worthy causes and provides benefits the community’s health, well-being and environment.
This year JSM will continue to undertake CSR community schemes which include environmental projects that address the waste litter problems in our local communities as well as supporting the enhancement of public realms.