Sponsorship grant from JSM helps to boost Golfers fundraising


JSM Group Services have boosted local friends fundraising efforts in aid of Prostate Cancer UK.

JSM Group Services have boosted local friends fundraising efforts in aid of Prostate Cancer UK. The Sheffield based Comms Supervisor for JSM, Ross Lamkin, and his eight friends were able to utilise the ‘Snap Sponsorship’ initiative to boost their fundraising efforts for Prostate Cancer UK as part of The Big Golf Race 2024.

In 2023, JSM introduced the Community Grant initiatives to support their employees and the communities they’re part of. There are four different initiatives that form Community Grants, this includes matching sponsorships for fundraising events along with providing funding for amateur sports teams.

Ross and his golfing friends have so far raised over £2,500 for Prostate Cancer UK and hope to see more added to the total in the coming days. In total, they covered a distance of over 24 miles, taking approximately 44,000 steps each.

Ross says;

“It’s an important cause because prostate cancer affects 1 in 8 men in the UK. That’s thousands of dads, brothers, partners, grandads, mates, sons and uncles. But it doesn’t have to be this way. My friends and I are taking on The Big Golf Race to help raise money and awareness of prostate cancer to keep men in the game for longer. Your donation will help fund lifesaving research to find better tests to diagnose men sooner. Thank you for your support. We’re pleased to raise money while playing the sport we love.”